本指南将逐步讲解如何通过 VRChat 创作者助手(VRChat Creator Companion,简称VCC)使用 Avatar 3.0 上传您的虚拟形象。VCC 是 VRChat 官方提供的强大工具,可用于获取最新版本的软件包和工具(包括 SDK )。
- Unity: VRChat使用的游戏引擎
- Unity编辑器(Unity Editor): 用于上传虚拟形象的程序
- 软件包(Package): 可添加到 Unity 编辑器中的文件集合,可能包含软件、虚拟形象、着色器或其他 Unity 资源
- 虚拟形象SDK(Avatar SDK): VRChat提供的包含基础虚拟形象上传所需全部资源的软件包
- 基础SDK(Base SDK): 虚拟形象SDK运行所需的必要软件包
- VRChat创作者助手(VCC): VRChat开发的程序,用于简化 Unity 编辑器和虚拟形象SDK的配置,未来可能支持更多软件包管理
访问 https://www.vrchat.com,点击Log In
向下滚动页面,点击 Download the Creator Companion
运行下载的安装文件(文件名应为VRChat_CreatorCompanion_Setup[数字].exe_),选择Install for me Only (Recommended)
当您看见欢迎界面时,点击Show me around
若未检测到 Unity 编辑器,将提示 Unity Editor Not Found
若您已安装 Unity 编辑器,可跳过以下安装步骤:
点击继续后,您可点击 Install Unity
进入 Unity Hub 安装界面
(图示说明:Unity Hub安装界面)
安装 Unity Hub
您可点击 Download the Unity Hub from Unity's website
这一链接来下载 Unity Hub,或直接访问下载页面,在下载页面中点击下载按钮。
下载完成后,运行下载下来的 UnityHubSetup.exe
此安装目录将用于存放不同版本的 Unity 编辑器,每个版本约占用 10GB 空间
创建 Unity 账户
在 Unity Hub 窗口中点击 Create Account
,跳转至Unity官网注册页面,在注册页面上填写注册信息,完成验证码,勾选协议后点击 Create Unity ID
之后前往邮箱点击确认链接激活账户,并返回 Unity Hub 使用新账户登录
若出现以下授权提示,勾选 始终允许 api.unity.com 在关联的应用中打开此类链接
(图示说明:Unity ID创建页面)
Unity Hub 提示安装编辑器版本时,您不必手动安装,因为创作者助手可以帮您完成这一步骤,因此请勾选不再询问
随后 Unity 会弹出个人版许可证激活提示,您可以点击同意并获取个人版许可证
安装 Unity
在创作者助手界面点击 I have installed the Unity Hub
然后点击Install Unity [Version]
(图示说明:Unity 安装界面)
创建 VCC 项目
Unity 安装完成后,创作者助手将进入项目创建界面,在这次的例子里,可以点击右上角的创建新项目
如果您有足够的存储空间,我建议将这个位置设置在固态硬盘上(最好是m.2 固态硬盘),但请注意,该位置将存放您的虚拟形象文件,容量可能在以后增长至数GB。
默认情况下,一个 Avatar 项目已经包含了最新版本的基础 SDK 和Avatar SDK,所以我们不需要在这里添加任何东西,你可以直接点击Open Project
那么既然你已经按步骤打开了 Unity 编辑器界面,接下来我们需要给这个项目导入几个 UnityPackage 包。
导入 UnityPackage 有三种方法:
- 将 UnityPackage 从 Windows 资源管理器拖拽到屏幕左下角的项目窗口中。
- 转到
→Import Package
→Custom Package
,并在弹出的 Windows 资源管理器窗口中选择你的包文件。 - 双击 UnityPackage 文件(这种方法只有在你的“打开方式”程序设置正确,且在后台仅打开了一个 Unity 项目时才有效)。
一些你可能需要的包通常会在 Avatar 的网站或购买收据上提供下载,以下试一些常见包:
- Poiyomi Toon Shader: 欧美市场上最流行的着色器,可在此下载。
- Dynamic Bones: Physbones 物理骨骼的前身,一些旧包会使用这个,你可以从这里购买 Dynamic Bone 包,或者下载替代品 VRLabs Dynamic Bones Stub(组件在 Unity 编辑器中不起作用,但在游戏中会起作用)
- Poiyomi Pro Shader: Poiyomi Toon 的高级版本,有更多功能可配置。你需要成为 Poiyomi 的 Patron 赞助者,且加入他们的 Discord 服务器,从那里下载包,你可以在这里成为他们的赞助者。
- Gogo Loco: 比 VRChat 默认运动系统有更多功能的运动系统,可以在这里下载。
- VRC Fury: 非破坏性的 Avatar 构建系统,可以在这里下载。
Method 2 of importing a UnityPackage.
Import the packages that are required for your avatar. Generally you can use the latest versions of these packages, except for the Poiyomi shader, use the recommended version for that.
Import your avatar
Import the UnityPackage you got for your avatar with one of the method described above
Find the scene or prefab of your Avatar
In the Project Window, there will be a Scene, a Prefab, or both for your Avatar.
If you have a Scene, double click it to open it
If you have a Prefab, click and drag it into your Hierarchy window on the top left.
An example avatar’s Assets layout. The Prefab icon might also look like your avatar in a T pose.
Upload your avatar
Open the SDK window
In the top bar, click VRChat SDK
→ Show Control Panel
. This will open the SDK window.
If the VRChat SDK
tab is missing, you are either missing some packages or have the wrong version of a package. If you go to the Console window by clicking the text at the far bottom left, the red errors can indicate which package is missing/erroring.
How to open the SDK window.
Log in to the SDK window
The process from here onwards assumes you are using SDK 3.3.0 or later. Older SDKs will look different and have a slightly different upload process.
Enter your VRChat Username/Email and Password in the required fields and press Sign In
You will be asked for an authenticator code or an email code, enter this as well.
The SDK log in window.
Upload your avatar for PC
First, press the Builder
button at the top of the SDK Window.
In this window:
- Select your avatar from the
Selected Avatar
dropdown. Make sure this is your PC version - Add a name to the
field - Add a description to the
field - Add an image, either by:
- Selecting a thumbnail from your pc
- Or Capturing an image from the scene
- Make sure the Selected Platform is Windows
- And press the
Build & Publish
button under theOnline Publishing
Once you’ve done all this, your avatar should be uploaded, congratulations.
The SDK Builder window.
(Optional) Upload for quest
This step only applies if your avatar comes with a quest version. This is not a guide on making quest versions for your avatar, just on how to upload them.
Find the Quest Prefab or Scene
Find the Quest Avatar. It should be in the same place as your PC version.
Copy the blueprint ID over to the quest prefab
Go to the Content Manager
tab of the SDK. From there, you can find your uploaded pc avatar and press the Copy ID
Then find the Pipeline Manager
object on the Quest avatar, paste the ID into the box, and press Attach (Optional)
The Pipeline Manager Component
Now, when you upload the avatar, it’ll connect to the PC version.
The Content Manager view.
Change Build Target
Select Quest
in the Selected Platform
dropdown in the Builder tab.
The Selected Platform dropdown.
Upload for Quest
In the Builder tab:
- Select your avatar from the
Selected Avatar
dropdown. Make sure this is your Quest version - Make sure the Selected Platform is Android
- And press the
Build & Publish
button under theOnline Publishing
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