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开发者更新 - 2024年7月26日

Welcome欢迎来到 to2024 the Developer7 Update for 25 July 2024!日的开发者更新!

Dev Update - 25th July|690x388image.png

Today's thumbnail features今天的封面是 真夏、往時の如し by 夏至邱芜.

Our我们上次的开发者更新是在 last11 Developer Update was back on the 11th! Did you miss it? Go check it out 日!你错过了吗?去看看here这里!


Summer Music Jam is Still Open!!仍在开放!!

Submissions are still open提交仍然开放 -- they'll它们将一直开放到 remain8 open until2 August 2! You still have time to submit a world or avatar!日!您还有时间提交世界或头像!

Check在这里 out the full list of requirements here!查看完整的要求列表!

About That "Security Update" Last Week.关于上周的“安全更新”......

Last week, we released a very small patch that only had two lines in the notes:上周,我们发布了一个非常小的补丁,其中的注释中只有两行:

  • Safety and security improvements.
  • The camera had a bug where the menu buttons zigged when they should've zagged. We've rectified the situation.

So... what was that first one about?所以。。。第一个是关于什么的?

This was a change that we rolled out specifically to combat avatar ripping.这是我们专门为打击头像撕裂而推出的一项更改。

We now validate much more strongly that only a verified我们现在更有力地验证了,只有经过验证的 VRChat client can download avatar bundles, and only when it is in an instance with somebody wearing that avatar. This allows us to determine when a download is coming from an unauthorized source and block it. This has been highly successful, and many客户端才能下载虚拟形象包,并且仅当它位于有人佩戴该虚拟形象的实例中时。这使我们能够确定下载何时来自未经授权的来源并阻止它。这已经非常成功,现在许多 ripping methods now fail entirely.方法完全失败了。

It required a bit of cryptography magic to make this work seemlessly across our infrastructure, but since version 它需要一些密码学魔法才能在我们的基础设施中无缝地工作,但自版本以来,该系统一直保持活跃和稳定。2024.2.3p2 the system has been active and stable.

Starting on7 Friday, 19th19 of July, we blocked all outdated versions of日星期五开始,我们阻止了所有过时版本的 VRChat from entering instances, since old builds would have tripped up the protection and not been able to load any avatars.进入实例,因为旧版本会破坏保护,并且无法加载任何头像。

No platform has ever been able to entirely eliminate ripping, but we’re happy to see the results of these efforts. The goal of these changes is not to be a silver bullet, but to form a tighter and more cohesive safety net around your content as time goes on. We have shipped measures against ripping in the past, and we have plans already in motion to plug more holes in the future.从来没有平台能够完全消除翻录,但我们很高兴看到这些努力的结果。这些变化的目标不是成为灵丹妙药,而是随着时间的推移围绕您的内容形成一个更紧密、更有凝聚力的安全网。我们过去已经出台了防止撕裂的措施,并且我们已经制定了在未来填补更多漏洞的计划。

Additionally, we continually work on detecting this behavior and acting against people using tools to steal assets. As such, we recently issued a ban wave that affected over此外,我们不断努力检测此类行为,并针对使用工具窃取资产的人采取行动。因此,我们最近发布了一波禁令,影响了超过 1,900 users who used tools to rip avatars from other users.名使用工具从其他用户那里窃取头像的用户。

You may have seen chatter on social media stating that these bans were issued against people putting certain text in their avatar descriptions, using software to "protect" their avatars, favoriting certain avatars, or other assumptions.您可能已经在社交媒体上看到过一些讨论,称这些禁令是针对人们在他们的头像描述中放置某些文字、使用软件“保护”他们的头像、收藏某些头像或其他假设而发布的。

None of this is correct!这些都不正确!

While we won't share the exact detection method we used, our security team spent a large amount of time validating that it was both accurate and precise. We are very confident that all bans issued are legitimate and address an account who has broken our Terms of Service.虽然我们不会分享我们使用的确切检测方法,但我们的安全团队花费了大量时间来验证它是否准确和精确。我们非常有信心,所有发布的禁令都是合法的,并针对违反我们服务条款的帐户。

If如果您受到这些禁令的影响,您可以联系我们的审核团队 you have been affected by one of these bans, you may appeal your ban by contacting our moderation team37.

Hey! Let's Talk About the Last嘿!让我们谈谈上次的 Dev Update!更新!

We received a few comments in the last在上次的 Dev Update expressing disappointment that we didn't talk about the progress of various features.中,我们收到了一些评论,他们对没有谈论各种功能的进度表示失望。

While we'll be mentioning one or two things in today's update that were asked about in the comments, it seemed like a good idea to spotlight some information about when you can expect updates on the things we're 虽然我们将在今天的更新中提到评论中询问的一两件事,但关注一些关于您何时可以期待我们今天not talk about today.讨论的事情的更新的信息似乎是个好主意。

First:首先:SDK the路线图!

去年 5 月,我们发布了 SDK Roadmap!


Last May, we released a roadmap for our SDK. You can find it here326.

As noted by正如 Fax in在评论中指出的那样,我们将在 a8 comment, we will be updating this roadmap in August.月更新此路线图。

That means that, next month, we'll have an update on the status of projects like Persistence, 这意味着,下个月,我们将更新Persistence、Udon 2, 2、Character Controllers, and more.Controllers等项目的状态。

But但是,嘿 hey -- what about stuff that wasn't listed in the roadmap? What about other features?路线图中未列出的东西呢?其他功能呢?

We've been paying attention to some of the things folks have asking about and will be trying to loop those projects in to the next roadmap update. While that doesn't mean we'll be able to get to everything, we'll try to account for the major things people are asking about!我们一直在关注人们询问的一些问题,并将尝试将这些项目循环到下一次路线图更新中。虽然这并不意味着我们能够解决所有问题,但我们会尝试解释人们询问的主要问题!

We hope that clears things up!我们希望这能解决问题!

Heads Up快来看, Creator Docs Contributors!贡献者们!

We just added a我们刚刚添加了一个 contribution贡献指南 guide toVRChat VRChat’s Creation documentation! Please read it if you’d like to contribute to our documentation.文档!如果您想为我们的文档做出贡献,请阅读它。

Different不同的作者有不同的风格,所以我们编写了这个指南来提高 writersVRChat have different styles, so we wrote this guide to improve the consistency of VRChat’s documentation.文档的一致性。

The contribution guide consists of three sections:贡献指南由三个部分组成:

We hope you find this guide helpful! Please share your thoughts with us.我们希望本指南对您有所帮助!请与我们分享您的想法。

Ongoing Development持续开发

Unity AI Navigation导航


Our next release of the我们下一版本的 VRChat SDK includes包括对 support for Unity’sUnity AI Navigation system!导航系统的支持!

  • Compared to previous versions, 与以前的版本相比,Unity 2022 has changed how改变了 AI Navigation导航在 worksUnity in Unity:中的工作方式:
  • The system is now a separate package maintained by该系统现在是由 Unity rather than integrated into the core.维护的单独包,而不是集成到核心中。
  • Runtime generation! You can now create and update your navigation meshes at runtime in the运行时生成!现在,您可以在 VRChat client. This was only possible in the客户端中运行时创建和更新导航网格。这以前只能在 Unity Editor before.编辑器中实现。
  • 导航网格链接 5NavMesh网格外链接 Links5 and Off-Mesh Links are simpler to use.更易于使用。
  • NavMesh generation is generally improved and more robust.导航网格生成通常会得到改进并且更加可靠。
  • Obstacles can be dynamic now.障碍现在是动态的。
  • You您可以使用多个导航网格表面 can use multiple NavMesh Surfaces4 within your world.在你的世界里。
  • NavMesh导航网格表面、修饰 Surfaces, 5Modifiers修改器体积 1 and Modifier Volumes provide more granular control over the system.提供对系统的更精细控制。

VRChat Constraints Update约束更新

Surprise! 惊喜!VRChat Constraints are now in约束现已推出 Open Beta!Beta We've talked about them a few times in these very版!在这些非常 Developer Updates,Updates but中,我们已经讨论过几次了,但这是简短的版本,摘自Beta here's版补丁说明 the short version, taken from the beta patch notes47:

  • VRChat Constraints约束 areUnity a replacement for Unity's constraints system that is more performant!约束系统的替代品,性能更高!
    • Constraints约束允许人们使用头像做一些非常酷的事情——但直到现在,它们在性能成本方面一直存在风险。这是由于 allowUnity folks to do really cool things with avatars -- but until now, they've been risky when it comes to performance cost. This was due to how Unity's default contraints were calculated.的默认约束的计算方式造成的。
    • Our version is 我们的版本的性能vastly要好得多 more performant. That means creators can use more without impacting other folks around them.这意味着创作者可以使用更多,而不会影响周围的其他人。
      • This performance increase means that这种性能提升意味着 VRChat Constraints约束可用于非 can be used on non-PC avatars!虚拟形象!
    • It also means we can calculate their performance cost more accurately, so we'll be adding them in as a tracked performance stat.这也意味着我们可以更准确地计算他们的性能成本,因此我们会将它们添加为跟踪的性能统计信息。
      • Seconary note: in addition, we now track a new stat called注意:此外,我们现在跟踪一个名为 Constraint Depth.Depth This tracks the deepest chain of constraints on your avatar. This helps us give a more accurate understanding of the performance cost of any constraint systems on your avatar.的新统计数据。这将跟踪您的头像上最深的约束链。这有助于我们更准确地了解虚拟形象上任何约束系统的性能成本。
    • 您可以使用 YouSDK can automatically convert your avatar from using自动将您的虚拟形象从使用 Unity contraints to约束转换为 VRChat Constraints using the SDK!约束! We've been testing it behind-the-scenes for some time, and it works great!我们已经在幕后测试了一段时间,效果很好!

For more information on有关 VRChat Constraints, you should check out the约束的更多信息,您应该查看 Creator Docs,文档,您可以找到这里 which you can find here104.

SteamVR Skeletal Hand Tracking骨骼手部追踪

VRChat'sVRChat finger的手指追踪功能已移植到 tracking has been ported to PCVR!PCVR!

We took the interaction model from our我们从 Quest finger手指跟踪中获取交互模型,并将其直接移植到 trackingPCVR and ported it directly to PCVR, with a new finger中,并使用新的手指 UI to show the state of the inputs to help users know what commands will be activated.来显示输入的状态,以帮助用户了解将激活哪些命令。

VRChat will always let you use the skeletal data provided by将始终允许您使用 SteamVR to animate your avatar, but when a controller (virtual or physical) indicates that it is using full finger tracking, that data will be processed and use gestural inputs.提供的骨骼数据为您的头像制作动画,但当控制器(虚拟或物理)指示它正在使用完整的手指跟踪时,该数据将被处理并使用手势输入。

Gesture Inputs手势输入:

  • Left Hand左手

    • Menu:菜单:
      • Look at your left palm and pinch your index fingertip and thumbtip together.看着你的左手掌,把你的食指尖和拇指尖捏在一起。
    • Locomotion:运动:
      • Pinch your left middle fingertip and thumbtip together.将左中指尖和拇指尖捏在一起。
    • Mic:麦克风:
      • Have your palm not facing away from your head, and pinch your left ring fingertip and thumbtip together.手掌不要背对头部,并将左手无名指尖和拇指尖捏在一起。
    • Hand Input Toggle:手部输入切换:
      • Have your palm not facing away from your head, and pinch your left pinky fingertip and thumbtip together.手掌不要背对头部,将左手小指尖和拇指尖捏在一起。
  • Right Hand右手

    • Turning:把:
      • Pinch your right middle fingertip and thumbtip together.将右手中指尖和拇指尖捏在一起。
    • Jump:跳:
      • Have your palm not facing away from your head, and pinch your ring fingertip and thumbtip together.手掌不要背对头部,并将无名指和拇指尖捏在一起。
    • Item Drop项目拖放 / Menu Back菜单返回 / Cancel:取消:
      • Have your palm not facing away from your head, and pinch your right pinky fingertip and thumbtip together.手掌不要背对头部,并将右手小指尖和拇指尖捏在一起。

Any任何发送全保真手部骨架并在 VRChat 绑定中设置该骨架的 SteamVR controller driver that sends a full-fidelity hand skeleton and has that skeleton set in the VRChat bindings will be able to use this gesture interaction support.控制器驱动程序都将能够使用此手势交互支持。

One method of support is using the new beta version of Virtual Desktop (enable 一种支持方法是使用虚拟桌面的新测试版(启用Forward tracking data to将跟踪数据转发到 PC” and “VRChat hand tracking”) to stream手势跟踪”)通过手指跟踪将 PCVR to流式传输到 a Quest with finger tracking:Quest:

Many other driver creators have been working on support. Community members are working on许多其他驱动程序创建者一直在努力提供支持。社区成员也在努力开发 Linux support for hand tracking as well!对手势追踪的支持!

Users looking to play VRChat from their 希望从他们的Linux PC may be interested in the PC上玩VRChat的用户可能会对Linux VR Adventures support & development group! They've developed their own drivers that solve many of the issuesAdventures支持和开发组感兴趣!他们开发了自己的驱动程序,解决了 SteamVR has on Linux --上的许多问题,并改进了有线和无线游戏,以及专为 asVRChat well as improving wired and wireless play, as well as a custom-tailored视频播放器定制的 Proton distribution intended for VRChat video players.发行版。

Consult their请查阅他们的 wiki and access their community并访问他们的社区 Discord/Matrix hub for setup and support assistance. Some helpful links below:中心以获取设置和支持帮助。以下是一些有用的链接:

...but that's not all!…但这还不是全部!

SteamVR Input输入 2.0

With借助 SteamVR Input 2.0,您可以使用 SteamVR 绑定 UI 完全重新映射您的控制器。将任何操作重新映射到任何控制器上所需的任何按钮。定制可能性几乎是无穷无尽的。

此更新引入了新的手势方法,包括新的可映射“Gesture Direct”按钮,可让您将手势显式映射到任何按钮。这对于通过显式按钮按下触发头像效果非常有用。


哦,这也意味着自动保持现在已成为一种东西!厌倦了按住钢笔和抓钩等可装备物品的抓握按钮?如果映射了新的 “Drop” 操作,则自动按住它们的选项现在处于活动状态。现在你可以按一次来捡起这些装备,再按一次来掉落它们!

请查看 SteamVR Input 2.0 you can fully remap your controllers using the SteamVR bindings UI. Remap any action to any button you want on any controller. The customization possibilities are nearly endless.

This update introduces new gesture methods, including new mappable "Gesture Direct" buttons that let you explicitly map gestures to any button. This is helpful for triggering avatar effects via explicit button presses.

This means you can map almost anything: Earmuffs, Nameplates, Chatbox, and more can be one button press away with an array of new mappable shortcuts.

Oh, and this also means that auto-hold is now a thing! Tired of holding the grip button for equippable items like pens and grappling hooks? The option to auto-hold them is now active if the new "Drop" action is mapped. Now you can press once to pick those equips up and press again to drop them!

Please check out the SteamVR Input 2.0 update available now on the Open Beta of the更新,该更新现已在 Steam version ofVRChat VRChat.的公开测试版中提供。

More更多 Web Updates!更新!

The web team has been busy once again! We’ve got some more updates available now at 网络团队又忙了起来!我们现在在 33:

  • There are now descriptive page titles across more of the site!现在,网站的更多部分都有描述性的页面标题!
  • Search results are now shown with tabs for users and worlds instead of one long list.搜索结果现在显示用户和世界选项卡,而不是一个长列表。
  • The库部分现在有自己的 galleryURL;上传表情符号时,无需再跳回 sectionsIcon now(图标) have their own URLs; no more jumping back to the icon tab when you upload an emoji.选项卡。

Thinking使用 WithPortal Portals思考

We have completely overhauled the visuals and some technical aspects in regards to portals!我们已经彻底修改了门户的视觉效果和一些技术方面!


The following things have been changed:以下内容已更改:

  • Overhauled Visuals: This includes a new custom shader and new particle animations.大修的视觉效果:这包括新的自定义着色器和新的粒子动画。
  • Improved Thumbnails: World creators spend a lot of time creating thumbnails for their worlds so we wanted to make sure these are more visible in our refresh. Images inside the portal are less squished and are no longer obscured by a ripple effect.改进的缩略图:世界创建者花费大量时间为他们的世界创建缩略图,因此我们希望确保这些缩略图在我们的刷新中更加明显。门户内的图像较少被挤压,并且不再被涟漪效果遮挡。
  • Parallax Effect: Thumbnails now have a subtle parallax effect when viewed from different angles.视差效果:现在,从不同角度查看缩略图时,缩略图具有微妙的视差效果。
  • New Animations: Portals are now more likely to properly create holes in the space-time continuum. 新动画:传送门现在更有可能在时空连续体中正确地创建漏洞。100% more dangerous and equally more fun.更危险,同样更有趣。
  • Updated Text: We’ve modernized the font used for portals to align with the rest of our user interface, replacing the ancient relic previously in use.更新了文本:我们对门户使用的字体进行了现代化改造,以与用户界面的其余部分保持一致,取代了之前使用的古代遗物。
  • Text Positioning: The origin point for portal text has been adjusted, making it easier for smaller players to read when standing close to the portal.文本定位:调整了传送门文本的原点,使较小的玩家站在靠近传送门时更容易阅读。

Here's a video of them in action!这是他们行动的视频!

We'll hopefully get these changes out to you soon!我们希望能尽快向您公布这些更改!



That's it for this这就是本次 Dev Update!Update 的全部内容!

The下一次文本更新计划于 next8 text update8 is scheduled for August 8. Seeeee you then日进行。下次再见。